Anime Inspiration – 3 Life Lessons Learned from Inuyasha

So in this post, I’ll be going over a few lessons that I learned from watching the Inuyasha Anime.

Although the show was quite entertaining with a very good story line, there are a few lessons that we can learn that can aide us in our journey to success.

Anime Inspiration – Another Person’s Jealousy Can Ruin Your Life

So this is a big one. I know a lot of us really want to help others out in our journey in life, however, I must warn you to be careful in who you choose to help out.

In regards to Kikyo, she decided to help out the injured Onigumo who eventually fell in love with her. After he turned into Naraku, that love still lingered deep and because he couldn’t have her, he decided no one could.

This inevitably lead to his plan to cause confusion between her and Inuyasha, thus leading to her eventual death, Inuyasha’s imprisonment, and their confused hate/love relationship when she was resurrected.

Although we have good intentions, it is good to always be cautious of the people that we interact with or try to help.

They may seem good on the surface, but if you observe them long enough, then their true colors will show.

Do your best not to get caught up in the trap!

Anime Inspiration – Be Yourself and Don’t Chase Love

Beyond that, don’t completely change who you are in order to be with someone and definitely don’t chase them!

This is evident in the obvious, but hesitant, relationship between Miroku and Sango.

Although it absolutely pissed her off that he always flirted with her as well as other girls, it was evident to Sango that Miroku felt that he could get any woman that he wanted.

On the flip side, it was evident to Miroku that Songo could get any man that she wanted as well so he didn’t care.

Because of this, he didn’t chase or be clamoring over her like my boy Sanji does in One Piece. Instead, he just continued doing him, occasionally flirting with her or others, and going on about his business.

After spending more and more time together, they eventually got engaged.

This just shows you that if you continue to be who you are and only change for the betterment of your character and not for another person, then you can attract the right love to you.

Sometimes the right love is right beside you and you wouldn’t even know it.

Just know that true happiness begins and ends with you. It’s no one else’s duty to give you happiness except yourself, so take ownership of that and make yourself happy.

Anime Inspiration – You Are More Powerful If You Have A Purpose

On our path to greatness, we must understand that if we have a purpose that hits us emotionally then there is no way that we will fail.

Early on in fights, Inuyasha would sometimes get his butt handed to him.

But when it came to Kagome and her safety, something would always spark some form of inner power and Inuyasha would come out victorious.

If you haven’t already, then you need to find a reason for why you do what you do. In that reason, you should find the spark that reminds you of why you will never quit!

By doing that, having a plan, and working hard there is no way you can fail, no matter what the challenge may be.

Who cares if it takes you 1 month, 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years to accomplish you goal? It’s your goal, it’s your calling, and you are the only one who can get it done!

If you don’t, then the idea or action will literally go to the grave with you and be buried forever along with all the other lost dreams in the cemetery.

Stay strong, have a purpose, and let the world see your light shine!

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