Anime Motivation – Bleach: Ichigo’s Keys to Success

So I know I’m late, but after finally finishing the Bleach Anime, I thought it was necessary to talk about some of the keys to success that I’ve learned from Ichigo!

Now I can’t lie, after the Aisen arc, Bleach did get a little stale, but once the Fullbringer’s came into play, it got really interesting again!

If they do decide to bring the anime back, then I’ll definitely be watching it!

Anime Motivation – Trusting Your Comrades


Bleach Anime Ichigo: Trust Your Comrades

The biggest lesson that I learned from Bleach was to trust your friends, colleagues, and/or comrades.

This is especially important if you’ve spent loads of time getting to know them. Once you truly begin to know someone, you become almost like family.

Throughout Ichigo’s journey, his trust in the ones that he cared for often pushed him to better himself.

When you are on your journey to greatness, be sure to use your love and trust for others to push you to the next level as that’s how you will truly achieve your greatness!

Anime Motivation – Giving it Your All

Bleach Anime Ichigo: Give it your all

Along the same breath, by trusting in others, if you remember your purpose then you will be able to give it your all in everything that you do.

If you don’t give it your all in whatever activity you participate in, you will ultimately short sell yourself.

This means you have to keep going even when you don’t feel like you have it in you to do so.

One example of this is that recently I had to work 7 straight days of 12 hour shifts for work. Now don’t get me wrong, I used to do this frequently while I was in the service, but after about day 4 the days really begin to take a toll on you.

With that being said, as soon as the alarm would go off, I would not feel like getting up out of bed. However, when that did happen, I’d remind myself about my goals and where I want to be.

If I was not even close to where I wanted to be, I would get up and keep pushing even though I was fatigued and I knew that mentally I was exhausted, I would search for that extra bit of motivation to keep going.

One of the reasons that I enjoy watching anime so much is due to  the inspiration to do and become more.

So if you are not giving it you’re all in everything that you do then make a commitment now to do so going forward!

Much love and keep grinding!!

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