Anime Snapshot – One Piece: Appreciating Luffy’s Journey

What’s up everyone?! So for this Anime Snapshot, it will be a little similar to my typical Anime Motivation and Inspiration posts.

As I watch One Piece, I decided this one lesson needed to get a little more attention before I forget it.

Anime Snapshot – One Piece: Appreciating Luffy’s Journey

As I fan of One Piece, long time watcher, and occasional reader of the manga, there is one very important lesson I wanted to highlight before I forget.

One big lesson that I’ve learned after watching 1100+ episodes is to appreciate Luffy’s journey. But not only Luffy’s but the journey’s of all the characters in the series.

In many cases of our own lives, although we are the main characters within our own respective life anime, we are often the side-characters in the anime of the lives of those we care about and spend time with.

In many cases our journeys and goals are slightly intertwined with theirs.

With this anime journey we learn that for some goals, it takes significantly longer to achieve and with this it is important to have patience and enjoy the journey that we have decided to embark on.

We live in era where many people want to become a success over night or have instant gratification.

However, if we want to achieve the success that will last, we must be patience and understand that diligence and discipline are necessary to achieve that success.

Sometimes, just staying the course is what’s necessary to achieve greatness!

It may get hard, but if we keep our eyes on the prize and continue to push forward then we will eventually earn our own “One Piece.”

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