Anime Inspiration – Dragonball: Lessons Learned from Goku

What’s good people?

Although Vegeta and Trunks are actually my favorite characters from the Dragonball franchise, I’ve often been compared to Goku based on the way he carries himself.

But I digress.

In today’s post we will go over some important lessons that I’ve learned over the years from Goku that will help you in your journey towards greatness.

Anime Inspiration – Lesson 1: Overwhelming Optimism

According to, Optimism is the ability to look at the better side of a situation and to expect the best outcome.

In this sense, Goku embodies this ideology as he always tries to see the best in his situation as well as others.

Some people may see this as a weakness because some of his rivals use this against him to obtain an edge.

However, regardless of the villain that uses this tactic, Goku always emerges victorious. By being this type of person, Goku constantly has a kind spirit and positive aura around him.

By having overwhelming optimism, things will likely go your way more often than not.

Anime Inspiration – Lesson 2: Unwavering Faith

In addition to his optimism, Goku has unwavering faith in his abilities. He understands that he may not know everything, but he does have the ability to learn.

His faith in himself is so strong that he’s been able to defy all logic time and time again.

When people felt that Super Saiyan was a myth, Goku’s faith in himself allowed him to push his limits.

This is shown even more so in all of the Dragonball series as he continues to save the earth countless times over.

Anime Inspiration – Lesson 3: Have a Small Circle of Influence

Another valuable lesson that I learned from Goku at a very young age without even realizing it is that having a small circle of really good friends leads to success.

If you notice, Goku hangs out with pretty much the same people all of the time. These people help to keep him grounded.

They also speak positively to each other and do all that they can to help each other out.

Whenever evil rears its ugly head, no matter the enemy, his friends always step up to the plate. It’s because of Goku’s circle of friends that his power continues to increase exponentially.

In addition to wanting to be the strongest he can be, he also does his best to protect his friends and loved ones.

Even with the Dragonballs, no one wants to see anyone that they love or care for die.

As a hero, it is our job to protect our values, morals, and the ones that we hold dear.

Anime Inspiration – Lesson 4: Training Is How We Improve

Lastly, Goku showed me that perfection isn’t possible (Although Perfect Cell would deny this accusation).

The only way to get better is to train.

It is through training that we can begin to improve and become the best version of ourselves.

Goku showed me that to get the most out of your training and out of your life, sometimes you will have to travel and really get out of your comfort zone to become your best self.

In order to improve and become the best in your industry no matter what it is, you must be willing to get out of your comfort zone and train.

If you like Goku or would like for me to write on another character from the Dragonball franchise, then please comment below!

Much love!

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