Anime Motivation – One Piece: Life Lessons from Doctor Vegapunk

How’s it going everyone?! So I’m continuing to progress in my One Piece journey  during the current story arc involving the World Government and Doctor Vegapunk.

This whole storyline as well as some of the historical things learned about the One Piece world has been quite intriguing.

While watching one of the episodes, I became immediately inspired by Doctor Vegapunk and the “Idea of Vegapunk.” With that said, I’ve thought of some pivotal life lessons from the character that can definitely improve your life! Enjoy!

Anime Motivation – One Piece: Recognize that life is too short

With Vegapunk’s quest for knowledge and understanding, he quickly realized that life is indeed too short.

As ambitious go-getters set on achieving our goals, we must also realize this.

When I was younger and really began to go hard on my goals, I went to a networking event and learned that each day there is a ticking clock going above my head.

This clock is always counting down, but we have no idea what the number is. This clock is our life clock.

The moment that clock hits zero its over for us and there are no more chances.

This clock is a scary clock because it is completely blank and it is up to us to create our own timers even if the timer isn’t necessarily the end of our lives. With that said, we just have to keep going until our time is up.

Now this may sound a bit bleak and scary, but its actually a great tool of motivation to help us to not let our time on this earth go to waste!

Anime Motivation – One Piece: Maximize your time efficiently

Another great lesson I gathered from Doctor Vegapunk is to use our time efficiently!

By doing this, he created multiple satellites of himself and connected his mind between all of them.

Once that was done, he essentially cloned different aspects of himself and brought them into the physical world.

By recognizing that life is too short and creating the satellites, he effectively gave himself a sense of immortality.

Although we can’t do such a thing in the present moment, there are a variety of ways that we can maximize our time.

For one, don’t waste time on things that don’t really matter or that won’t help you in your progression towards your goals.

Now don’t get me wrong, we can still have fun and should make time to do so.

However, if you are learning a language or doing something that requires an extreme grind, then structure your training or time in a way that you would focus on the most beneficial aspects in order to succeed!

Anime Motivation – One Piece: Build a legacy you can be proud of

Lastly, build a legacy that you can be proud of! In addition to his quest for knowledge, Doctor Vegapunk also realized that his life goal is also his legacy.

The best way to know what your legacy would be is to ask yourself “When my life is over, what do I want to be remembered for?”

Answer this and be as truthful as possible with yourself.

Once you’ve got the answer, then do everything you can to ensure that it happens.

Remember, there is a timeline, but that time is yet to be defined.

Good luck, go forth, and conquer!!!

Please check out my “Hero 4 Life” EP music project below:

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