Anime Inspiration – Avatar: Lessons Learned from Uncle Iroh

Anime Inspiration – Uncle Iroh Drops Knowledge

Now before I get the rants about Avatar: The Last Airbender not being an anime, you can just save it! In my eyes it is one just because of the style in which it was created.

But, that’s beside the point. The real focus here is the Supreme Dragon of the White Lotus…

Anime Snapshot – Take The Throne Ep: 24

Anime Inspiration – Maintaining Poise And Learning Patience

000 - KS -Iroh be patient

When watching the Avatar series, I noticed that Uncle Iroh was one of the wisest and calmest characters within the series.

If you really pay attention, he does a lot to teach Prince Zuko about being patient and maintaining poise.

In this day and age, we are what some would call a “microwave generation”, meaning we want things to happen immediately.

Sometimes, just having patience can be the key to peace and internal happiness.

However, some things in life just take time… simple as that.

In most cases, if you rush the result or your desire too soon, then you are less likely to appreciate it when you obtain it.

This happens in a lot of cases with overnight celebrities. A lot of these guys just get lucky and then they achieve fame, squander it, and then it’s gone forever.

A lot of times, we must remember to put more emphasis on the journey and what it teaches us than the destination.

And overall, we must enjoy the journey, because while in that journey, we are being molded into the person we were meant to become.

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Anime Inspiration – Utilizing The Power Of Meditation

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Moreover, I’ve noticed Uncle Iroh taking the time to meditate.

When combining the skills of meditation and visualization, one can become an extremely powerful human being.

Through meditation, one can maintain control of one’s self and be able to control one’s state of being.

With visualization, one can begin to feel whatever they desire manifesting into reality.

The more this is done, combined with impactful action, the more likely the desire is to happen.

Anime Inspiration – Having Spiritual Eyes To See Things For What They Are.

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Another great lesson learned from Uncle Iroh is the ability to see things the way they really are.

Sometimes you have to cut through the crap and really look at things.

For instance, there’s a person at your job who used to be really nice to you, but nowadays they seem to be a pain.

In this case, you should take a step back and not focus on how they are acting towards you.

Instead, look at their body language, their reactions, their tone of voice, dress & appearance, etc…

What you may find, is someone who may be going through a storm in their life and they may be subconsciously communicating this to everyone through their actions.

That may not always be the case, but it’s just one example.

Sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling when you make decisions and stuff. It’s just how it is sometimes.

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