Superhero Inspiration – Teen Titans: Beast Boy’s Top 3 Keys to Happiness

Superhero Inspiration – Beast Boy

Anyone who has watched the original Teen Titans series or read the comics would know that Beast Boy is a lovable jokester.

There’s never a dull moment with Beast Boy especially when he’s with Cyborg. In fact, Beast boy is so outgoing that one has to ask….

How does Beast boy stay so happy?

Superhero Inspiration – He Has A Sense Of Humor

beast boy jokes

One thing that I have noticed about Beast Boy is that he is always cracking jokes. I often times would find myself cracking jokes in much of the same way.

However, in my case, there are very few people who actually get my jokes. I guess this can be said for Beast Boy as well, especially when he’s interacting with Raven.

By being humorous, Beast Boy often lightens up the mood, even when placed in a tough situation.

One thing that I have heard over my lifetime is that laughter is good for the soul and I think that Beast Boy fully understands this.

Superhero Inspiration – Seek The Fun In Life No Matter What

beast boy control freak

Whether it’s gaming, competing for pizza, or reciting lines verbatim from various television shows, Beast Boy always seeks the fun in life.

By doing your best to look at the bright side of things, you have less of a chance of letting negative circumstances bother you.

Having a positive outlook on life and being optimistic is key to truly enjoying yourself as well as the company of others.

Superhero Inspiration – Always Smile

000 - Beast boy Always Smile

This key may be self-explanatory but always smile. Whenever you get a chance, look someone in the eye and smile.

The act of smiling not only makes you feel good, but it shows the other person that you are open to engaging with them.

When watching the Teen Titans series, I hardly ever saw a time when Beast Boy was not smiling.

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If you love Teen Titans, Superheroes, or you are interested in collaborating on any artistic projects then definitely connect with me here!

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