Anime Inspiration – Magi: Lessons Learned From The Adventures Of Sinbad

After watching Magi: The Magical Labyrinth”, I decided to check out the next Magi Series which was focused on the Adventures of Sinbad.

In the first series, Sinbad was introduced as a well-established King along with his generals.

In the new series, I’m learning how Sinbad came to be and it’s absolutely amazing!! I’m still in the process of finishing it, but I gained such inspiration from the show that I had to write my thoughts on the King before I forget them!

Anime Inspiration – Share Your Vision With Those Who Will Listen

While enjoying this anime, I noticed that Sinbad would often seek out people that he felt he could identify with on some level.

Once he met these people, he would share his goals, hopes, and dreams with them.

However, he would do this in a way that he could paint his vision for the future. In speaking and expressing himself, he would illustrate a picture that’s filled with vivid imagery that would peak the depths of his listeners souls.

He would speak with a certain elegance that would pierce the heart of anyone who could identify with his dream.

Anime Inspiration – Have Unwavering Faith That You Can Change The World

Another notable attribute that I noticed about Sinbad was his unwavering self-belief that he had the power to change the world.

I learned that he was in a Peak State in which he had absolutely no doubt in his ability or the ability of his comrades.

When you fixate your mind on a single objective and you eliminate any form of doubt then it is impossible for you to fail.

Consistent faith, optimism, and action are sure to spell success for you in any situation!

Anime Inspiration – Seek Others Who Are Willing To Follow You

The biggest lesson that I learned from Sinbad is “Association.” Surround yourself with people who share the same ideals as you.

These people should also be individuals who will build you up instead of tearing you down.

Additionally, they should be brutally honest with you and provide constructive criticism, especially if they see you drifting off of your path to greatness.

The right support team built with the right people can carry you a long way!

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