Anime Inspiration – Pokémon: Lessons From Magikarp

Anime Inspiration – The Struggle is Real

So while going on some amazing pokemon adventures and reminiscing about my childhood, I began to think about how hard life is for a Magikarp.

When playing Pokemon Go, I realize that in order to evolve a Magikarp, it requires 400 candies just to evolve it. While there are a few, there are not many other pokemon that need that much work to evolve.

It’s because of this fact that I began to look at my own life. I often ask myself, why my path has been so hard and why do I have to go through so much?

Now I realize that it’s apart of the plan and that the Struggle Is Real!

Anime Inspiration – Always Do Your Best

One thing that I learned from Magikarp is that no matter how much you may suck at first, you must give it your all.

Magikarp is one of those pokemon that are severely limited in its abilities initially. As humans, a lot of us start off this way and it definitely can be tough.

Regardless of that, we must always give it our all in whatever we choose to engage in.

If we do that then we will never regret any decision that we’ve made because we knew deep inside that we did our very best.

Anime Inspiration – Stay Focused On The End Game

Another key lesson that I learned was that no matter what our situation is at this moment, as long as we focus on the end game then the situation will improve.

It’s by having this mindset that we can truly move forward.

If we think negatively and spread that kind of vibe or energy around then there’s no way things can improve.

We are what we attract and continuously focus on so focus on the positive aspects of everything that you have to deal with.

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Anime Inspiration – Once You Evolve You Will Be Unstoppable

Lastly, we must understand that we are on a journey and in that journey you are being molded into the human that you are meant to be.

If we truly embrace the fact that our life is one continuous journey then how can we not succeed?

This is extremely evident when a Magikarp evolves into a Gyarados. Sometimes our evolution can take days, months, or years, but somehow it will happen.

You just have to keep the faith and stay focused on the end game!

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Personally, Magikarp exemplifies my life at the moment and is my spirit pokemon. What’s your spirit pokemon? – COMMENT BELOW.

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