Superhero Inspiration – Lessons learned from Captain Marvel a.k.a. Shazam

Superhero Inspiration – Shazam!

As I did earlier with the Black Adam post, I will go into a few lessons learned from our good friend Billy or Shazam or Captain Marvel….

You know what I mean! Call him what you want, either way here’s some powerful lessons that we can take from him and apply to our daily lives.

Superhero Inspiration – Lesson 1: Care for the People Around You

When learning about the history of Billy Batson and how he became the powerful Captain Marvel or Shazam, I came across one of his unique origin stories.

In this story, he was at the orphanage and most people saw him as a trouble-maker and he felt like an outcast. However, one day there were some kids bullying his friends and he rushes in and beats all of them up.

In essence, he got into a lot of trouble, but Billy knew that he loved his friends and whether they knew it or not, he’d do anything to protect them.

Whether it’s friends or family, you have to show them that you care via your actions.

By you working to be successful and still making time to spend with them, you gain more value in your life and it shows them that you care.

Believe it or not, our friends do care about us and although we have to focus on achieving our goals, we have to make time to spend with them otherwise they won’t know that we care.

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Superhero Inspiration – Lesson 2: Believe In Yourself

Initially, Billy did not believe that he could be a great hero since he was just a kid. We all must understand that no matter our age, we can be a hero in whatever we choose!

Do not limit yourself due to negative thoughts about yourself and your abilities.

We are our own worst critic and therefore our own greatest enemies.

The greatest battle that you will ever have to fight is the battle within your own mind. So please do me a favor and don’t be so hard on yourself!

Instead, look in the mirror, remind yourself why you are great, and take action to make it so!!

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Superhero Inspiration – Lesson 3: Have the Courage to Move Forward

Now in order to truly succeed in anything in life, you must have the courage and the will to move forward.

You must understand that failure is critical to the path of greatness. One thing that I’ve learned in my experience is that your perception on winning and losing guides your principle.

For me, I either win or I learn.

By taking this mindset, you begin to understand that each failure is a blessing in disguise and a learning experience that can be used to propel you further.

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