Superhero Inspiration – DC Comics: Lessons Learned from Crisis on Infinite Earths (The CW)

What’s good everyone?!

So I recently finished the 5-Part CW series “Crisis on Infinite Earths” and I must say that it was truly awesome!!

In the aftermath of the series there were a few takeaways that I wanted to get out to help you on your path to success…. At least before I forget haha….

Superhero Inspiration – Keep The Faith And Things Will Work Out

No matter how hard things get, as long as we keep the faith and move forward somehow things will work out.

Speaking from personal experience, there’s a lot of battles that I’ve faced, be it mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Believe it or not, there have been plenty of times where I’ve wanted to give up all hope. There were times when it got so bad that I literally didn’t want to do anything.

Often times we’ll get caught up with the situation without realizing that everything happens for a reason.

The situation that we encounter is either meant to make us or break us.

This is evident in the series as entire Universes were being wiped from existence. Some of our favorite heroes were dealing with self-doubt, lost hope, and even death, but they had to push through.

And that’s the true lesson, if you keep going through the storm and keeping a positive mind frame, things will work out somehow.

Superhero Inspiration – Sometimes We Must Sacrifice Now For A Better Tomorrow

A lot of times on our path to greatness we must sacrifice in order to get to where we are going. Sometimes, indirectly, the ones we care about may have to sacrifice in order for us to succeed.

This is evident in the series as Oliver Queen the “Green Arrow” willingly sacrifices himself not once but twice.

He dies the first time in order for SuperGirl and The Flash to live and continue being Great. The second time was to restore all Universes.

This can even be applied in our normal lives.

Some of us may have to sacrifice our social lives, lifestyles, or even relationships with toxic friends because we see the vision of the better tomorrow that we are working for.

Others will sacrifice sleep (which I don’t recommend because good health is essential to succeed in life) and self-indulgences in order to get to the goal.

Superhero Inspiration – You Have the Ability to Create Your Own Universe

This final lesson is derived from the Book of Destiny and its amazing influence on the series.

With that being said, my perception on this is purely my opinion.

I believe that each and every one of us has our own Book of Destiny that exists within our spiritual being.

This book of destiny within us is just waiting to be opened so that we can apply its power to create our own universe.

There are certain things in this life that we can’t control, however, there are just as many things that we can control and our book of destiny can be used to manipulate the things that we can control.

You have the power to create and manifest your universe. If you want to make more money, make a plan, implement it, and use your book of destiny to create the universe in which you make more money.

Or if you want to lose weight, use your book of destiny, make a plan and manifest that universe.

No matter what it is that you want, as long as it is within the realm of the things that you have the ability to control, you can make it happen as long as you have faith, a plan, the willingness to work for it, and patience.

Hopefully this post helps you along your journey. Be sure to share and comment your thoughts below!

Much love!

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