What’s good everyone?!
So I realized that my Top 7 Naruto Quotes post from a few years back seems to be a big fan favorite.
Because of this, I’ve decided to expand upon this series with some of my Top 5 quotes from other characters within the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden universes.
Please continue reading to see some of my favorite quotes from Kakashi!
Anime Motivation – Anime name: Top 5 Hatake Kakashi Quotes
Anime Motivation – Naruto: Kakashi Quote # 1
Now this is an interesting quote from Kakashi and it definitely applies to all of us in our real lives.
Although he speaks of this in regards to his fellow Ninjas, one must always be prepared for the unexpected.
You should also anticipate future outcomes and results of decisions that you take in the present moment.
Not only does this prepare you for both desired and undesired results, but this also gets you in a mindset to be able to handle any situation that may arise.
Anime Motivation – Naruto: Kakashi Quote #2
In other words, its aint over until its over!
As long as you pursue your goals and learn from the failures that come during the pursuit of said goals, there is no way that you will be defeated!
Sometimes not giving up may mean moving on from your current path and taking a different route to achieve the same result.
Either way, as long as you continue to move forward and take the correct actions to be successful, there is no way that you will fail.
Anime Motivation – Naruto: Kakashi Quote #3
Never judge a book by its cover and understand that none of us are perfect.
Everyone makes mistakes, and because one bad mistake was made by either ourselves or another person does not make either party evil or bad.
In a lot of cases, it takes making mistakes for us to become the best version of ourselves.
When interacting with someone who has made a mistake, please remember that in a lot of cases there are people who are fighting battles in their lives that we know nothing about.
Due to this, always be open and kind in those interactions.
I’m sure you would expect the same if you were the one who made the mistake and had to answer to a superior in that sense as well.
Always be mindful of others.

Anime Motivation – Naruto: Kakashi Quote #4
As I continue in my personal life’s journey, this quote becomes more and more evident on a daily basis.
In all honesty, I can understand if a person has a grievance and needs to lodge a complaint. However, when doing so please offer a valid solution.
In a lot of cases, people complain and just frankly do not want to put in the proper work in order to be successful.
Often times, complaints are complimented by excuses.
I understand that we are all made and built differently. However, I’m the kind of person that seeks solutions and works to get things done in a proper way.
When I do have a complaint, I often figure out a solution and work through that problem until the grievance no longer exists.
Being proactive in the correct context will help you in being successful in your endeavors.
Anime Motivation – Kakashi Quote #5
And this quote by Kakashi will forever remain true as long as human civilization continues to advance.
In all honesty, the things we do today should be used as the framework or blueprint for the ones that come after us.
This can be extremely evident in fields like sports.
For instance, in pro wrestling, guys like Buddy Rogers, Harley Race, Rick Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Dusty Rhodes paved the way for many of today’s current stars.
As great as these legends and their peers were, the wrestlers that come after them are supposed to surpass their accomplishments.
It’s the same in other sports as well. For example, looking at the NBA. Guys like Marques Haynes, Nat Clifton, Wilt Chamberlin, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Julius Erving, and many others paved the way for the current stars.
As great as Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan were, we should expect stars to match and surpass them and what they did.
Although I used wrestling and basketball as examples, this still applies in other areas of life as well.
With just our families, we should all hope that our children live better lives and surpass the accomplishments that we ourselves achieve.
This is indeed the natural order of life.
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